Business Cards

Jack McLellan (4)

Colour, shape, and the beauty of function becoming form animate Jack's work. A scientific education background and knack for things mechanical and computerized are balanced by a love of nature and music. 

Website Design Update

I've switched this website from WordPress to Publii and updated the design to something I'm more happy about. WordPress is a powerful piece of software, but it's too powerful for this little site, to be honest, and making changes in it, especially to the design, is…

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Ceramic Works

Here's a collection of some of my past ceramic works, in no specific order. They're the results of experimentation over time: different techniques, glazes, styles, and forms. Ceramics is a process and a journey, and I have much to learn. Vases Vases Mugs Mugs Mugs…

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I've updated this site with a little content for you to check out. There aren't any photo galleries here yet, but I'll add some soon (for some definition of soon, at least.) There's a contact me form if you'd like to send me an email.

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